

Indoor Air Quality

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Indoor Air Quality Services in Indianapolis

Improving your home’s indoor air quality is important to the health of everyone who lives there. That's especially true for anyone who suffers from asthma, allergies, or other respiratory illnesses. Fortunately, there are ways you can improve your Indianapolis indoor air quality, so you and your family can breathe easier.

Indoor Air Quality Systems from A Perfect Climate Heating & Cooling

A Perfect Climate Heating & Cooling offers several different types of indoor air quality systems for you to choose from. Understanding what they do, and which one meets your needs, is important to give you the best air quality possible in your home.

Thermostats are designed to provide you with the proper temperature in your home. If you're not sure why it feels too chilly in your house, or it always seems to be too warm in one room or another, finding out about the temperature and quality of your indoor air can help.

Dehumidifiers keep the moisture out of your home's air. An air quality test can tell you about the humidity levels inside your home. That can help you decide whether you need to install a dehumidifier to keep everything drier and more comfortable for your family's health.

UV light air purifiers work to take the fresh air that comes into your home, and reduce or eliminate anything in it that shouldn't be there. Bacteria, mold, pollutants, pollen, dust, and more can increase allergy and asthma symptoms. Purifying the air is a great way to help with your family's health issues, and keep everyone feeling better.

Ventilation equipment like air filtration systems include some of the best indoor air quality solutions available. You want your indoor air quality (IAQ) to be as high as possible. Choose a whole house air purifier is one of the ways to move air through your HVAC system in a way that keeps it fresh and clean.

Indoor Air Quality Services Provided by A Perfect Climate Heating & Cooling

A Perfect Climate Heating & Cooling provides several professional indoor air quality services for your home. If you're in the central Indiana area and looking for an air conditioner or ventilation system, we provide the following services.

Indoor Air Quality Installation

We can install a new system that will take the outdoor air and filter it so it's healthy and clean when it comes into your home. The right air filter makes a big difference, so the outside air is sanitized before you and your family breathe it in. HVAC services with the right filters can help improve overall health.

Indoor Air Quality Maintenance

Once you have a heating & cooling system that's keeping the indoors safe and healthy, you want to make sure you have service performed on that system as needed. Systems require maintenance, and options like HEPA filters can reduce mold, allergies, pet dander, and related problems.

Indoor Air Quality Repair

If something goes wrong with your heating & cooling system, you want repair service that's quick and efficient for your Indianapolis home or business. Professional repair services are important, as they help ensure that contaminants are removed and customers are satisfied with the air quality in their house, whether it's summer or winter.

Common Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Understanding what to look for in the air quality in your home is very important. Some of the signs include breathing issues in those who have allergies or asthma, but there's more to the story. You should contact an HVAC service team if you're experiencing any of the following issues in your home.

  • Excess dust: Too much dust can be a sign that the air in your home isn't being filtered as well as it should. You may need a system with better efficiency, or you may need to add options to what you already use in your home.
  • Unpleasant odors: Your HVAC system shouldn't be producing any kind of odor, but it should be good at taking odors out of your home and keeping outside odors away. If the HVAC unit you have at your home isn't doing those things, it's time to have it looked into.
  • Cold symptoms that won’t go away: Colds don't last very long. If your cold symptoms are lingering for weeks, it could be due to poor quality air in your home.
  • Headaches, sneezing, dry skin, and other health issues: Poor air quality is a big problem for a lot of people, and many of them will experience chronic health problems related to breathing contaminated air.
  • Difficulty sleeping: Poor air quality can disrupt your sleep, because it's causing you to work harder to breathe. Your body has to filter out the contaminants your HVAC system should have removed.
  • Hot and cold spots: Even heating and cooling should be found all over your home. If there are hot and cold areas that are noticeable, your HVAC system isn't doing what it should, and your air quality may be poor.

Contact A Perfect Climate Heating & Cooling for Indoor Air Quality Services

Contact A Perfect Climate Heating & Cooling today, for the efficiency you need and the control you want over the air quality in your home. You want to make sure you have the quality and value you're looking for from your HVAC system, along with proper air quality in your home, so you and your family can experience better health.